AD&P; Monthly | view newsletter archives
Featuring content from the editors of Automotive Design & Production, the AD&P; newsletter is a monthly look at what’s really going on in the automotive industry. AD&P; Monthly is not a listing of news links, but real content about real things and real people that are shaping the Automotive Industry. Each issue will include industry commentaries, vehicle reviews, product information, business news, online exclusives, events, recent articles, and more.
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AD&P; Weekly | view newsletter archives
So, where do you find incisive, timely observations for automotive professionals (designers, engineers, manufacturers, marketers, executives, etc.) on all aspects of the auto industry? On And while you can find something fresh there pretty much five days a week, sometimes you might miss a day. So AD&P; Weekly is a collection of each weekâs items in an efficient one-stop package.
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